CIRCOLO VELICO CASANOVA       P.ta San Giuliano - Mestre Venezia      

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VeLaRaid 2011
Le immagini di Kathy Mansfield
reporter per Water Craft magazine


  Kathy Mansfield

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[...] A Venetian expedition through the Venice Lagoon by sail and oar. No wonder these islands and marshes and channels meant Venice was never conquered! Venetian traditional boats plus other designs, both marine ply and modern. More photos will appear soon! 
Email me if you're interested in a particular boat (sorry the magazine wants primarily sail/oar, not others), would like to buy a print, or would like a free JPEG of the group photo. See, a picture/story will appear about November




Velalonga 2005
Water Craft Magazine
Velalonga by

La Velalonga vista da 
Kathy Mansfield

Water Craf 2005
» scarica l'articolo in .pdf [ 5Mb

                                                                           byRevi 3.1.2011